
A Caveat and Affiliates

First off, a little caveat: within my articles you will find affiliate links, meaning if you buy them, I get a small commission. Your cost is not affected. In addition, I am an Amazon Associate and I earn from qualifying purchases on Amazon.

And yes, if I say that I recommend a product here, it means I truly believe it is a good product. I refuse to recommend any product that I have not researched and believe to be a good value.

Even better, I provide you with a very clear picture of the product, it’s use, and the probable value.

Earning your trust is important to me. I run this website myself and the commissions and donations help support the site.

Sound reasonable and fair enough? Let’s continue to the article.


Are you planning to make money with Clickbank? Here’s everything you need to know about what is Clickbank gravity and how does Clickbank work?



Understanding Clickbank Gravity Scores


Affiliate marketing is one of the smartest ways to earn money online. The practice involves selling other people’s products on online platforms. As an affiliate marketer, all you need is to find an exciting product and make an agreement with the vendor/ product owner to give you a commission for every sale you drive.


Looking for a side gig or a new career? Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative fields to make online money. There are thousands of affiliate marketing platforms that generate about $12 billion of total online revenue. However, deciding what affiliate network is right for you can be challenging.


Clickbank is among the most popular affiliate marketing networks that allow individuals to earn money online. You might have heard about this good and bad platform if you are an affiliate marketer.


So, what is true and what is fiction about Clickbank? And can you earn money through Clickbank? In this step-by-step guide, we are going to explain everything about what is Clickbank and how does it work, and whether is Clickbank legit and safe.



So, let’s get started!


What is Clickbank Gravity?


Clickbank is, in fact, one of the granddaddies of affiliate platforms. The platform was founded in 1998 in San Diego, California. Clickbank allows you to make money as a physical product vendor or an affiliate marketer without working as a frazzled cubicle employee.

clickbank gravity

Here are a few latest and staggering highlights of the Clickbank marketplace:



  • Clickbank operates across 190 countries.
  • The marketplace has over 200 million customers.
  • There are over 6 million entrepreneurs on Clickbank.
  • Clickbank features 276 product categories and over 20,000 product listings.
  • The affiliate marketing platform boasts over $200 million in sales annually.




In a nutshell, Clickbank is among the affiliate marketing programs that could be a goldmine for you. On top of that, joining the Clickbank marketplace is not as labor-intensive as making money from blogging.

Moreover, Clickbank is an excellent platform for entrepreneurs, bloggers, and digital content creators who want to market digital and lifestyle products on their blogs or websites. Furthermore, it is also a lucrative option for individuals who don’t want to be an “Amazon Associate.”


Now, let’s discuss why Clickbank, how does Clickbank work, and what is Clickbank gravity?


clickbank gravity




How Does Clickbank Work?


The process of working on Clickbank as an affiliate marketer is straightforward. For instance, if you are a vendor, you will need to create a list of your product and set it up on the platform. Once you are done creating your product, Clickbank will then list your product in the marketplace, exposing your product to tens of thousands of affiliates.


But what if you are not a vendor but an affiliate? How will you be able to make money with Clickbank?


affiliate marketingClickbank has a transparent tracking system that can track links and cookies. This tracking system is helpful to know from where the sales are coming exactly to credit the referring account. If you are still confused, don’t worry. Everything will be more precise in a moment.


Many people start their journey as an affiliate on Clickbank and then, as they progress, become vendors. However, here our main focus is to explain what is Clickbank gravity and how does Clickbank work, so well will talk about making money as an affiliate.




So, as an affiliate, you must sign up for an affiliate account and then browse Clickbank’s marketplace, which lists thousands of available products from other vendors. Once you have found an exciting product through Clickbank gravity, you will receive a unique affiliate link directing you to the vendor’s sale page.


Finally, all you need now is to drive traffic and let people buy that product through your affiliate link so you can earn a commission for sales you drive.


What is Clickbank Gravity?


As mentioned earlier, Clickbank gravity is a tool that allows you to determine how popular your chosen product is in the marketplace. The higher the gravity points, the more popular your chosen product is. Clickbank gravity calculates the product popularity by looking at the number of sales. It means one sale of that product is equal to one gravity score.

clickbank gravity



However, it is worth mentioning that while many people follow that logic, it doesn’t mean you should promote a product with a higher gravity score.


While it seems possible, you should avoid promoting such products, especially if you are new to affiliate marketing. You might be wondering why you shouldn’t promote high-gravity score products. The answer is simple – a higher gravity score means dense competition.


Moreover, keep in mind that your competitors are well-established affiliates who know how to drive more sales and overrun beginners like you. We believe now you have a clear understanding of what is Clickbank gravity and how does it work. It’s time to know what gravity score products you should go for in the marketplace.


What Clickbank Gravity Score Products Should You Go For?


We have already discussed why opting for high Clickbank gravity score products is not a good idea. So, what is the ideal gravity? Whether you are a beginner or an experienced affiliate marketer, you should always follow the golden mean – not too low or too high.


However, the option for low gravity score products is far better than choosing products with higher gravity. If you have patience and courage, it could work out for you. On the other hand, higher gravity products can be too challenging to tackle.


That said, if you want to stick to the middle, the ideal Clickbank gravity score should run between 15 and 70 – neither too low nor too high. In addition, you will be happy to manage many commissions since you won’t have dense competition.


affiliate marketing




Clickbank Filters for Researching Products


Clickbank is a simple affiliate marketing place where you can find ideal products without much effort. For instance, you can use multiple filters to research products that help you find good Clickbank gravity score products with low competition. While gravity is a valuable option for researching products, here are a few filters you should use when finding a product.


Filter Purpose
Average Dollar Per Sale Show the cumulative total average earning for a product. In simple, this filter presents the lifetime value of your chosen product.
Initial Dollar Per Sale Represents the frontend value. It allows you to see the earnings you will make as you sell the product after deducting the initial dollar from the price.
Average Percent Sale You can see how much money you will earn as a Clickbank affiliate.
Average Rebill Percentage This will show up only if the product vendor chooses recurring billing. This filter could be used to present membership or subscription commissions.
Avg. Rebill Total It shows the total amount you will make on the backend. It is worth noting that numbers shouldn’t differ much from the front. And if they do, something is not correct.
Gravity You can browse products through it, showing the popularity of products.


That’s all about what is Clickbank and how does it work. You might be wondering, is Clickbank legit, or Is Clickbank safe? Let’s discuss:


Is Clickbank Legit and Safe?


So, is Clickbank legit?


Absolutely, Clickbank is legit. Although they are not as popular as the Walmart Affiliate Program or Amazon Associates, Clickbank is excellently providing many opportunities to affiliate marketers.


If you are hunting for a digital product to promote as a Clickbank affiliate marketer, the platform is one of the best marketplaces you should check out. Additionally, the marketplace is known for having an extensive array of products you can choose from as an affiliate marketer.


It is worth highlighting that digital products tend to have higher commissions per sale. So, a good Clickbank promotion can help you earn more than a 3% cut you generate from selling physical products on other affiliate platforms.


Is Clickbank Safe?


Besides being legit, is Clickbank safe for affiliate marketers? Yes, Clickbank is absolutely secure and is used by hundreds of thousands, if not millions. It is basically a way to research and find digital products, promote and recommend them, drive sales and earn a commission.


Think of Clickbank as the Walmart Affiliate Program or Amazon Associate affiliate offers. Individuals can shop around, research exciting products, and then promote them on their websites using an affiliate link.


The Good and the Bad


While I love Clickbank for its user-friendliness, there are a few downsides. The platform is an excellent place for beginners to get started and earn money without any hassle of complex affiliate networks. So, while there’s a lot to love about Clickbank, it’s essential to know every aspect of it, including what is Clickbank and how does it work, and whether is Clickbank legit.


Let’s talk about the pros and cons of Clickbank:




Unlike many other traditional affiliate networks, Clickbank is a bit different. Here are a few reasons why Clickbank is better than many other affiliate marketing platforms:


  • It’s Simple: Signing up on Clickbank is a straightforward process. Anyone can quickly sign up for an affiliate account within a few minutes and start their journey without complicated paperwork.
  • It’s Inclusive: Regardless of whether you are a new or an established affiliate marketer, Clickbank is for everyone. You can join the network for free. It is ideal for newbies and professionals alike.
  • Duality: While some affiliate platforms require you to either have an affiliate or vendor account, Clickbank allows you to jump in the fray both as an affiliate and a vendor. It helps you maximize your earnings.
  • Excellent Commission Rates: As an affiliate, Clickbank’s commission rates are handsome. The platform allows you to earn up to 75% or even more by promoting digital products. Moreover, they also pay fast, so you can withdraw your earnings whenever you want.
  • Extensive Product Selection: The platform features a comprehensive and dazzling affiliate product listing. You can find products in almost every conceivable niche.



  • A lot of Terrible Products: Despite featuring an extensive list of digital products of every category, you can find many terrible products on the marketplace. So, it’s up to you to research and find suitable products and stick with those. It also helps you avoid scams, spam, and products that you don’t want to promote.


  • Scams and Spams: Since Clickbank offers high commissions to affiliate marketers against the sales they drive, it also catches the attention of scammers. Due to handsome commission offerings, many users have been spammed with offers from low-integrity marketers. This is also one of the most significant problems Clickbank may need to resolve.


  • Dense Competition on Popular Products: Keep in mind that Clickbank’s most popular digital products will have dense competition. That means curating a singular review or blog post won’t help you stand out from the crowd. So, you will need a lot to compete, especially if you are new to affiliate marketing.


  • Hard to Find Low Competition Products: Despite having an extensive list of products, there are more trash digital products. Additionally, the best products with high Clickbank gravity on the marketplace have denser competition. So, you might find it challenging to find low-competition good digital products. You may also need to spend significant time researching keywords to find products you can promote.


  • Requires High Commissions to Entice Affiliates: This is for vendors and affiliate marketers. In addition to being an affiliate, if you end up going on the selling side as a vendor, you will need to offer high commissions to entice product promoters. While high commissions are a plus for affiliate marketers, the same is a negative for vendors.



affiliate marketing



Affiliate Programs with Clickbank


After learning about what is Clickbank gravity and how does Clickbank work, it is essential to know what affiliate programs Clickbank offers.

Whether you are a beginner who wishes to dip a toe into Clickbank’s online money thing or an experienced digital marketer who wants to maximize their earnings, Clickbank affiliation has covered you.


There are various affiliate programs and tons of product categories to choose from:

Arts and Entertainment Betting Systems Cooking, Food, Wine Education
Business/ Investing Computer/ Internet Fiction Games
E-Business/ Marketing Employment and Jobs As Seen on TV Green Products
Home and Garden Health and Fitness Mobile Languages
Self-Help Reference Parenting and Family Politics/ Current Affairs
Sports Travel Software and Services

New Age/ Alternative Beliefs


  • Clickbank’s Payment Methods

Clickbank allows affiliate marketers and vendors to receive payments in four different ways. It includes:

  • Payoneer Payment: As a vendor or affiliate marketer on Clickbank, you can use Payoneer services to get paid. You can benefit from an international money transfer service for free. Payoneer allows users to open a virtual US bank account to deposit their money.
  • Wire Transfer: Like Payoneer, Wire Transfer is the second payment option you can use to send and receive payments on Clickbank. However, this option is more suitable for countries where the international direct deposit is unavailable. Using Wire Transfer, your payments can take up to 5 days.
  • Direct Deposit: The third payment option that Clickbank offers its users is direct Deposit. It is perfect for the US and other select countries. Direct Deposit can take up to 2 days.
  • Check Payment: The fourth and default payment option. Clickbank mail the check to the address listed in your account.




How to Make Money with Clickbank?


After addressing common queries like what is Clickbank and how does it work, is Clickbank legit, and is Clickbank safe, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. There are three significant steps that you can use to make money with Clickbank:

  • The Product.
  • The Sales Funnel.
  • The Traffic.


Let’s discuss each in detail:


  • The Product


Making money from the product with Clickbank means you will be promoting a digital product. So, you should have an affiliate account before choosing an ideal product. Many suggest opting for a niche you are familiar with and searching for products within it. While this approach may be practical, we don’t see it as a starting point.


Simply go to the homepage and press the “magnifying glass” option next to the search bar. It will show an aggregate list of products from different categories. After that, you can use filters (that we have mentioned above) to sort the results.


  • The Sales Funnel


Once you have a good product, it’s time to plan a journey your visitors would go through until they purchase your product. In this regard, a few practical tips include:


  • Direct Linking


This strategy directs your visitors directly to your vendor’s sales webpage. Direct linking is an effective strategy that works well most of the time. However, we still think you should find a way t convince your visitors before directing your visitors to the sales page.


  • Lander> Offer


Unlike direct linking, this is an excellent approach. The landing page means creating a webpage that serves as a middleman between the visitor and the offer. For instance, it could be a product review, article, blog post, or video. Your visitors would land on it, consume it, and then go to the link that will redirect them to the offer.


  • Traffic


So, you have a landing page, but how will you drive traffic to it and hence your offer? There are many ways to lure more traffic, but a few popular traffic-driving sources include:


  • SEO


Ranking your niche website high in Google search is a practical and most popular way to drive more traffic to your sale page. However, you will need to use SEO practices for this. One of the most significant benefits of ranking your niche website high through SEO is that it’s a long-term strategy and could drive traffic for years. Moreover, it is also inexpensive (or almost free).

The only drawback of the SEO strategy is that it requires you to keep patience first, as it could take up to three months to generate your first sale.


  • PPC


Alternatively, PPC (pay-per-click) is another way that you can use to earn money online with Clickbank. If you have a budget and are ready to pay for paid advertising, you can consider investing in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or PPC ads.


The first advantage of adopting a PPC strategy is that you can start driving more traffic instantly after beginning a campaign. Similarly, the biggest drawback of PPC is the traffic will stop immediately after you stop running the campaign.


  • Social Media


Using social media to promote your Clickbank product and drive more traffic to your sale page is also an effective strategy. For instance, you can record a review video of your product and insert its purchase link in the description.

Similarly, Instagram is a perfect platform to get more organic traffic, especially if you promote a product related to pets, food, or sports. For instance, you could post compelling content with relevant hashtags on your Instagram.


Wrapping Up

So, that’s all about what is Clickbank gravity and how does Clickbank work. An excellent affiliate marketing platform allows you to promote other vendors’ products and earn money online without hassle.




Is Clickbank Legit?

Absolutely! Operating in more than 190 countries, Clickbank is a legit affiliate marketing platform. It has a 4.5-star rating on Trustpilot.

Is Clickbank Legit and Safe for buyers?

Clickbank is a very safe and reputable platform for affiliate marketers, vendors, and buyers.

Where Can I Promote Clickbank Affiliate Products?

There are hundreds of ways to promote your chosen Clickbank products. For instance, you could promote your product on social media platforms, websites, and marketing emails.

What Is an Effective Way to Promote Your Products?

While social media platforms are great for promoting affiliate products, we would recommend creating a niche website. Your website allows you to create product review posts, build your targeted audience, and maximize sales.

Which is Better, Clickbank or Amazon Associates?

Despite paying higher commissions than Amazon Associates, Clickbank doesn’t come close to Amazon Associates Program in variety and usage. Amazon is also the most trusted online affiliate marketing platform. However, since Clickbank commissions are often higher, some prefer to use affiliates from Clickbank. Keep in mind that you can use multiple platforms. So, why not use both and reap extra benefits?


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