health, home office, laptop, Office equipment, Writing Tips & Help
Built-in keyboards do not always provide the comfort or productivity we want. So, it’s a great idea to look for alternative options. Learn about many types of keyboards and the difference between membrane vs mechanical! The keyboard is a necessary peripheral of...
freelance, habits, health, home office, work from home
Stay focused working at home! As a remote worker myself, I sometimes faced the trouble of staying focused. Although WFH or remote work is convenient and cost-effective, it can sometimes cause poor performance. I mean, inside our comfort zone, there can be a lot of...
family life, habits, health, home office
Staying Motivated at Work When Working From Home Staying motivated at work, even when you are working from home Working at home is in demand nowadays due to the current situation. A lot of companies are recommending working at home to at least eliminate the...
health, home office, Office equipment
Choose the Best Air Filtration System for Your Home Office Air purifiers remove indoor air pollution which can be made up of small particles in the air. But how do you know how to choose the best air filtration system for your home office? Do you know which air...