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The right social media posting frequency effectively lures more traffic and engages your existing audience. Here is everything you want to know about social media posting frequency.


Have you ever wondered how often you should post on social media to get more followers or drive more traffic to your website? It is a question that has plagued digital marketers since the dawn of social media. It is worth noting that having a lot of daily posts doesn’t always win, as there is a lot more to consider for a successful social media strategy.

Social Media Posting Frequency

Social Media Posting Frequency


If you want to make your social media strategy successful, remember that your posting frequency can either be inspiring or annoying to your followers. In addition to posting frequency, your content should be valuable and consistent since you don’t want to overwhelm your visitors or make them feel like you are spamming.


How much is too much, and how much is too little? After figuring that out, you will also need to learn about what’s the ideal time to post. This post will discuss how often you should post on social media without annoying your audience.


So, let’s get started!



How Often Should You Post on Social Media?


Figuring out the correct number of posts to publish on your social media is crucial to a successful social media strategy. It impacts your online presence and workload alike. We have analyzed social media posting frequencies across 20,000 AtHomeWorkGuru audiences to determine the average of the biggest social media platforms you and your followers care about the most.


How Often Should You Post on Facebook?


First of all, let’s talk about Facebook posting frequency. The social media platform dominates the digital space and has more than three billion monthly active users. In fact, 70% of consumers and 30% of digital marketers expect Facebook to be one of the social platforms they scroll the most this year.


Moreover, Facebook is one of the critical digital places to invest energy, mainly due to its advertising capabilities that help marketers to find and approach their ideal audience. In addition, Facebook is also a go-to platform for 65% of consumers when they want customer service.

That said, while posting twice on weekdays and once over the weekend has proven to be a successful Facebook strategy, 4-5 daily posts can be overwhelming. Some studies have also indicated a drop in users’ engagement if you post more than four posts. So, while you should avoid getting too post-happy, aim for quality over quantity.

Furthermore, an effective way to keep your Facebook feed organized and engaging is to use a social media calendar and schedule your posts.

How often should you post on Facebook

How often should you post on Facebook

  • Ideal Posting Time

In addition to posting frequency, knowing when to post on your social media is equally important for your campaigns. So, the perfect days to post on Facebook are:

  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Friday

Moreover, the ideal time of the day is between 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Since Saturdays and Sundays are the days with the lowest engagement, you can skip posting on weekends.


  • Posting Tips

  • Make your posts timely.
  • Build relevance, credibility, and trust with your followers.
  • Avoid a one-size-fits-all strategy.


How Often Should You Post on Instagram?


Instagram is the second-most downloaded social media platform, only behind TikTok. Instagram is one of the most used social platforms to expand your business online, boasting over two billion monthly users. In fact, about 50% of consumers state that it is among the platforms they expect to scroll the most. In addition, AHWG research clearly indicates that 59% of users check their Instagram daily, while 38% of those active users check it more than once a day.


When it comes to posting frequency on Instagram, 1-2 posts per day is the average. However, it can vary depending on the industry and how you want to run your campaign. For instance, our research found that most entertainment industries post 3 -5 times a day.


Moreover, posting at least one or two reels daily at strategic times and exploiting trending reels and hashtags is an effective way to push your posts to your ideal audience. Furthermore, another factor that matters the most besides posting frequency is consistency. If you wish to launch a successful social media campaign, ensure to create a set time window and post regularly during those times.

how often should you post on Instagram

how often should you post on Instagram

  • Ideal Posting Time

In addition to consistency, quality content, and avoiding over-posting on your Insta, knowing when to post can help you gain more followers and run successful campaigns. In this regard, note that the universal best time to post is 1o a.m. on Wednesdays. Similarly, if you are going to post more than once, here are the best days and times:

  • Friday at 10 a.m.
  • Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Saturday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.


  • Posting Tips

  • Clearly communicate what you do.
  • Make your posts distinctive.
  • Use more relevant and unique hashtags.
  • Brand your hashtags.
  • Caption your images and videos.
  • Use layout and angles.
  • Use links and landing pages.


How Often Should You Post On TikTok?


TikTok is a fair newcomer, so we couldn’t find much about this social platform. However, it doesn’t mean we would leave you high and dry. While we don’t have data on how often you should post on TikTok, the platform has recommendations of 2-3 posts per day.


The #ForYou tag is a non-stop new content machine. So, while we should try to post at least two high-quality videos daily, there are users who found three posts per day optimal. The strategy is especially useful for staying at the top of the feed for your audience. In addition, it is also an intelligent way to consistently test which themes, sounds, topics, and hashtags work best.


Moreover, it is also vital to remember that over-posting can be messy. So, we highly recommend creating a TikTok schedule so you can schedule your posts ahead of time to stay organized.

how often should you post on TikTok

how often should you post on TikTok

  • Ideal Posting Time

Unlike most other social media platforms, there are no specific days to post on TikTok. You can post throughout the week but at particular times:

  • Monday, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • Tuesday from 2 a.m. to 9 a.m.
  • Wednesday from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
  • Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Friday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Saturday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.


  • Posting Tips


  • Use appropriate hashtags.
  • Incorporate influencers in your campaigns (if possible).
  • Comment and encourage comments.
  • Use TikTok effects.
  • Make high-quality, compelling content with clear descriptions.


How Often Should You Post on LinkedIn


LinkedIn is one of the world’s largest and most professional social media networking platforms. It is a powerful place for sharing thought leadership and employers’ branding strategies. LinkedIn recommends posting one post per day to attract your audience while maintaining a steady level of engagement with other working professionals.


Sharing informative articles, seeking job opportunities, connecting with others in your field, reflecting on your experiences, etc., are the most engaging content on the LinkedIn feed. It is worth noting that you might see a significant decrease in engagement after your daily post. So, ensure to post what is most important to you and stick to it.


As you would have thought, the content that performs the best is generally posted during business hours, so also ensure to schedule your posts and publish them during those working hours.

how often should you post on LinkedIn

how often should you post on LinkedIn

  • Ideal Posting Time

Since LinkedIn is more of a professional networking platform, the best time to post on LinkedIn is business days. Unsurprisingly, people are less active on the platform over the weekends, so you can skip your posting on weekends. Here are the perfect times to post on LinkedIn:

  • Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Thursday, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

In addition to the above times, the worst times to post on LinkedIn are between 3:00 a.m to 4 a.m.


  • Posting Tips


  • Include images in your posts.
  • Write more how-to posts.
  • Divide your posts into headings.
  • Use a natural tone when writing.

How Often Should You Post on Pinterest?


Pinterest is yet another outstanding social media platform for running campaigns and targeting your ideal audience. However, like any other social media platform, Pinterest requires consistency and high content for successful campaigns.


For instance, you can acquire maximum engagement by consistently posting 4 to 10 times per day. It is worth noting that Pinterest altered its algorithm back in 2019, and now it prioritizes “Fresh Pins” over “Re-Pinned Content.” In addition, inspirational and how-to posts should be your go-to option to connect with your audience if your brand is related to DIY, fashion, crafts, decoration, or cooking.


Moreover, if you cannot post ten pins per day, do not shy about setting up the most humane schedule for your campaigns because it won’t tank your engagement. Furthermore, like all other social platforms, Pinterest engagement prioritizes consistency, so finding a schedule and sticking to it is the key to running a successful campaign.

how often should you pin on Pinterest

how often should you pin on Pinterest

  • Ideal Posting Time

The best and most engaging hourlong periods to pin on Pinterest are between 6 p.m. and 12 p.m. Similarly, the worst time to pin is between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. On the other hand, the best days of the week to pin on Pinterest are:

  • Tuesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday

Additionally, you should also avoid pinning during lower engagement days like Monday, Saturday, and Sunday.


  • Posting Tips


  • Use high-quality, vertical images.
  • Add text overlay.
  • Pin consistently.
  • Create and pin images with descriptions.
  • Use keyword-rich boards.


How Often Should You Post on Twitter?


The birthplace of the hashtags world remains one of the top social media platforms for emerging new trends and stories. In fact, about 57% of users who get their news on Twitter say it helped boost their understanding of current events.


However, like other top social platforms, things move quickly on Twitter, and now the average lifespan of your tweet is just 18 minutes. So, it is a good idea to follow the industry’s average of 3-4 tweets daily to avoid getting a single daily tweet lost.


Moreover, it is also worth noting that, as data suggests, engagement can decrease significantly after the 4th tweet in a day. In addition to posting frequency, another concerning factor is what day and time you tweet. So, having self-regulating conversations as they come up can help you engage with your targeted audience in a way that scheduling your tweets cannot.


Furthermore, while all social platforms are, at their best, a conversation, Twitter is the easiest to engage with your audience on a friendly level by responding to queries, re-tweeting, or favoriting others’ content.


Keep in mind that the more you interact with your fellow users, especially your followers, the more people will pay attention to your posting.

how often should you post on Twitter

how often should you post on Twitter

  • Ideal Posting Time


Twitter is a go-to social media platform for posting up-to-the-minute content up to 280 characters. The ideal time to post on Twitter is early morning, especially on weekdays. Similarly, the best days to Tweet are:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Thursday


  • Posting Tips


  • Use a conversational tone.
  • Incorporate more images or videos.
  • Keep an eye on trending conversations and events.
  • Keep your posting short yet compelling.


How Often Should You Blog?


Since blogging is a popular digital marketing technique and often lumped with social media platforms, it is essential to know how often you should blog. First, if you are new to blogging, you will have to create more content that should push you up in the rankings. On the other hand, if you are an established blogger with plenty of content, you should stop worrying about how to create more content. Instead, focus on how to update and optimize your existing content.


So, how often should you blog? This is the question that entrepreneurs have debated for years. While some find it optimal to post daily, there is a sweet spot when it comes to blogging frequency. That said, professionals suggest that blogging 2-4 times a week is an effective way to increase traction.


However, depending on your blog’s establishment, it can equate to somewhere between 12 to 16 posts a month. In addition, it is worth noting that if your blog niche is more competitive, you will have to blog more often, like 4 to 6 times a week. Similarly, if you have an evergreen niche where information doesn’t change much, you can post less often and spend more time updating your content.

How Often Should You Post on Social Media

Blogging Frequency


Curate High-Quality Content


Regardless of how organized your posts are, at the end of the day, what matters the most is the quality of your content and how well it represents your brand. Thought-provoking quotes, captivating images, vivid images, and interesting facts can help drive more followers to your social media and increase your customer base.

High-Quality Social Media Content

High-Quality Social Media Content


Moreover, solidifying your social media posting timelines can be vital in intensifying your engagement. Remember that users tend to respond better to use, high-quality posts and well-spaced posts than repetitive or promotional posts.


Furthermore, regardless of what social media platform you use, treat each of your posts as an opportunity to re-introduce your brand to your followers, start new conversations, and lure engagement toward advanced growth for your brand.


Wrapping Up


So, that’s the reply: “how often should you post on social media?” We hope you have achieved a clearer understanding and can experiment with these averages. AWG also believes the tips above will surely help you find that sweet posting frequency spot, and you will be able to run successful and rewarding social media campaigns.


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